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1286 from Fernstudium-Direkt.de
97% Recommend

Part-time programme
MBA Logistics & Trade

Fernstudium Handel & Logistik | WINGS-Fernstudium

Part-time programme
MBA Logistics & Trade

MBA Logistik | WINGS-Fernstudium
Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Your contact person

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Inquire through E-Mail

International Contract and Trade Law

Global trade need accepted trade agreements, contracts and internatinal law as basis. The module will foucs on the issues of international contracts on the one hand, and of the other on the present trade law which applies for international trade business.

  • Develop a knowledge basis on international contracts in logistic business
  • Review the standards and principles of international trade law
  • Apply the INCOTERMS on typical trading situations in global commerce